Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Awe...How cute!" -Courtney Her

On Tuesday night, with Bobbie and Courtney nestled on the couch and I sprawled out on the chair like a bearskin rug, we took time to see the family classic;

Holy cow!
The cinematography is awful.
The picture can be out of focus at times.
The costumes aren't the correct period.
The lighting is poor.

But hey, what do you get with film work circa 1974.

That aside, the story is as I remembered. It was like seeing an old friend in a grocery store. Though the times may date your relationship-The moment hasn't changed and you pick up where you've left off.

Always a great telling about; perseverance, companionship, determination and love between a boy and his dogs, this is a heart warming tale that'll leave have you giggling over the naive comedy and have your puppy loving family members in tears. This is a great screenplay that captures the feel of Wilson Rawls' book of the same title. Check this one out if you, or anyone in your family, is a dog lover. You'll start for the dogs, but you'll be amazed at the story.

Bobbie would probably say that if you like this film, you should also see; The Sound of Music, Two Brothers and Pollyanna.

This one scores an easy 7 out of 10 raccoon pelts.

Even our dogs Lucy and Mitzi would give this a "thumbs up"...If they had thumbs.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! My husband and son love to say NO D NO G. But I disagree. This is a classic tale. I love it and I think Courtney did too.
