Sunday, February 20, 2011

Be careful where you go.

Max cruised into the master bedroom as I was lounging on the bed tapping away on my iPod's keyboard. He broke into a semi excited sentence and said, "Dad, you've got to see this video game trailer. Courtney cried because it was so sad. She never even made it to the end of the trailer-And that was the best part."

Engrossed in what I was doing at the moment,I half heartily said, "Alright I'll check it out."
Dropping my iPod onto the fluffy down comforter, I began the slow rise out of the bed like an old man creeping his way out of his favorite recliner.

About mid sit up Max said, " What are you doing? You can stay right there and watch the trailer on that new fancy iPod. It has a speaker in it. Did you forget?"

"Yep." I said. "Let's check it out together." I added.

Max made no hesitation to jump onto the comforter right next to me. We then began our short video game trailer journey together. With the iPod doing it loading rotation, we waited intently so that he could share this short trailer with me.

Warning: This trailer is graphic. Viewers be advised.

You all may have been waiting to hear about what Courtney and I have viewed, but, this short explanation of a game seemed to stand out more poignantly in my mind this weekend. I've never had the chance to view such a skillful game teaser such as this. Not only is this emotionally impacting, but it's also visually arresting. One marvels at the state of what is a completely computer generated image such as these. The time, care, observation and love that these designers have for their craft is clearly evident in this body of work. Much can be gleaned of the facial recognition programs that may have been written to cover the subtle facial expressions that couldn't be generated even by the last version of  whatever software was used. When movies like Terminator 2 and Avatar use the surface of the actors who embody the film characters to drive the motion capture devices, the outcome is superb. In stark contrast, this software is a free standing unit and works independently of the human body to create it's own framework. The software even codes correctly how light should radiate through skin to reveal the underlying colors in soft rosy tones. And it's in those facts that-I feel-the C.P.U. driven bodies are an unadulterated-almost artistic-rendering of the human form...and this is where the "art" converges with the "science".

I hope the entire game will be executed with this type fit and finished, but sadly, as most games are, there will be glorious frames unveiling the story line, but the play graphics will be much like any other playtime generated images. Either way, I think I'm going to have to buy another Playstation 3 just for this game. It's either that or commandeer Max's PS3 unit.

Again, keep in mind that this trailer is graphic, so, be advised.

This trailer can be seen here:

For a short story, this one gets a 9 out of 10 for shear brilliant execution of the tale , how many hours it must have taken the digital crafters to convey the beautifully rendered details that's made even more compelling with a magnificently tailored score.

This is a glorious piece of C.G.I.. See it if your stomach will let you.

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally not into video games, but this one looks fantastic. I probably won't play it but I promise you I will watch my Son play it....
