Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rock a by baby...

As my automobile stopped on the driveway apron, I was elated at the jingle that my keys made as I turned the ignition to the left and heard the car's final stutter as it came to a quiet rest. Home, there's no place like it. When looking down the barrel of some form of illness, home is the most comforting place to kick off one's shoes and hang one's coat in an entryway closet.

Thankfully, I had enough change rattling around in my credit card to rent a movie on my way home for an illness filled afternoon respite. Since Bobbie is recovering from whatever this bug is and Courtney was kept home from school because of the afore mentioned germ, I chose something a bit "softer" for the ladies of my life to view. I came across this flick and deemed it "appropriate":

I figured that with all of the sniffling and runny noses, why not throw a few tears into the mix. Once we've all been hydrated and fed, Bobbie, Courtney and I watched the movie in the master bedroom where the low slung afternoon sun could stream though the southern window and warm our down comforter. As my ladies crawled exhaustingly under the solar powered quills, I put the disk into the DVD player and found my way over to a sunlit portion of the bed. At this point, I was instructed to tilt the blind louvers to dim the warming rays of the solar body since it was "...too bright..." and that the glare on the LED screen was troublesome.

As I shuffled the short distance to the blind's louver rod, I tried to gather as much warmth from that glowing celestial body to power my return trip across the chilly wood floor. As crept under the comforter, I found my self thinking, "If I can't do my interpretation of a crocodile on a shore line, I hope these women will-at least-cry during this movie."

The player whirs and zips as we proceeded through trailers, upcoming DVD releases and Main Menu. We stumble across a reel splashed with moments of sadness and peppered with humor that has a pronounced meaning over casted by a love story. As we start our voyage, we find a couple who have a straight laced friend coupled with the another who happens to be a bit more free-wheeling. As the script unfolds, this odd couple are drawn together through a mutual hardship resulting is a plethora of clichéd laughs and predictable outcomes. Though the story isn't one that may change one's outlook on life, or make one gasp at the epic screen shots, It does present a few good hours of enjoyment...even if you're feeling "under the weather".

This is definitely a "date night" movie with life lessons such as; owing your life's course and never giving up on a promise. There are other morals if you'd like to read into the movie, but I'll leave those for you to find-You can call it an Easter egg hunt. All in all, I thought this was going to turn out to be like the movie Father Of The Bride. I'm truly thankful that it didn't. Keep some tissues nearby because if your date is like the ladies at my house, they'll tear up from time to time.

For those of you out there that think that I'm out of line not enjoying Father Of The Bride, this film is more akin to; Leap Year, 27 Dresses, and She's Having A Baby. If you've enjoyed any of those last three titles, you may want to check out this disk.

This one is getting a 4 out of 10 Gerber baby food jars in my humble opinion.

If you're planning to see this release, I hope it's all Blueberry Buckle for you.
If it's not what you cared for, here's some baby food to take the after taste from your tongue.


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