Saturday, February 26, 2011

Deja vu? Absolutely.

With Friday behind me and Dear Bride off to the Animal Shelter Fundraiser, I had time to round up Max and Courtney for a meal at one of the local restaurants. The food was fair, the atmosphere was enjoyable, but the company was even better. As we feasted on London Broil and endless tureens of Fish and Chips, we mentally gathered our time and reminisced about the days events, caught free Wi-Fi, and perused silly pictures on line as we giggled and spoke loudly of the kids next ski trip. As I peered momentarily out the window, I was thankful for the cold and the looming front on the horizon that'll bring a flurry or two. At least they'll have some fresh snow to blanket the man made stuff.

Once we've gorged our bellies on flaky battered fish and a slab of cow, we waddled to the car to trek across town to our home. There was a fleeting mention of stopping for ice cream, but when a pale drawn look pasted over Max and Courtney's face, I figured that would be out of the question. I think I'm going to have Max and Courtney go to confession because we surely did glutt...In nomine Patris-et Filii-et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Once we were home, the dogs were shushed out, and shortly there after, returned to the inner warmth of our castle. Max excused himself for more Playstation exploits as Courtney and I settled on watching our Friday night movie in the master bedroom. We decided to view it there because-like a lion after eating a huge portion-we needed to lay down take the weight off of our bellies.

For this night, Courtney had a desire to see:

Now, as you all know from an earlier post, I really don't have a burning in my bosom for Father of the Bride, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't have have burning desire to own this one either. Why you ask? That's easy. It's because Mean Girls didn't get an Oscar Nomination either.

Not unlike other Disney teen angst movies this film doesn't "break the mold". Here we see our characters-young and old-try to resolve their undesirable High School years at a later date. A wedding in the family coordinates the multiple collisions that could leave one laughing...If one's ten years old that is. Aside from the typical sweet moral education about asking for forgiveness and coming to grips with that action, this movie really has no extraordinary merit. There is one redeeming scene was in the film though. It's of Tom(a jilted lover played Kyle Bornheimer). With comedic brilliance,and a fearless execution of acting craft, he storms the wedding rehearsal dinner with his song of love that steals the sequence-It's very reminiscent of Steve Buscemi during the toasting scene of The Wedding Singer.

Though watching Tom spouting a love song won't redeem the whole movie, it is a bitter consellation...Or should I say, concession.

If you feel the need to seek out this movie, be warned. If you like or own; Father of the Bride, Mean Girls, and  Confessions of a Teen Age Drama Queen, you may want to go for this.

As for me, this film gets a 3 out of 10 ant bites.

Sorry folks, the sight of Kristen Bell in a tight running outfit couldn't even save it from that rank...Though it did raise it one point.

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