Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's a date....Weekdays that is.

Today isn't day one-It's actually day 23-so you'll need to forgive my tardiness as to the beginning of the blog. Somehow, I think my partner in this little venture may have thought that I'd have given up by now, but, the experiment continues.

My daughter and I created a new year's resolution that wouldn't involve; frequenting a gym, watching what we eat, or even how often we'll need to cut our finger nails. We decided to venture into something that would allow us to spend more time with each other since her day is filled with teenage details and my work schedule can be...umm...unpredictable. In our resolution, we can steal a few hours to enjoy each others company. What we decided to do was to view an new movie every weeknight.

The rules to this nightly film festival are:

1.) The movies don't need to be "new"-as in "new releases"-but something that she or I haven't had the chance to view in the past. Overlapping is acceptable, as long as one person hasn't had the chance to see the suggested movie.

2.) We'll need to blog about the movies to see what we have taken away from the movies content.

3.) We're not movie critics so we'll watch any film genre for the fun of this resolution.

Hence we begin. We had just viewed Secretariat:

I must say that I was taken aback by this one and thoroughly enjoyed the film. There was an enthusiastic rhythm to the story line that was utterly engrossing and emotionally compelling. Much like other Disney films, Secretariat is well shot, well written, well directed and has a cast of actors who are skilled at making one believe that they're the embodiment of the true people that the story is about-Embellished or not.

This particular piece of celluloid is not just about a horse, horse racing or even a triple crown winner. The true story is about the intertwining of people and how following ones inner voice can be more fulfilling than one can possibly imagine. How an underdog can rise to the top against adverse and trying times through determination coupled with an unstoppable skill. This film definitely rings home the old Chinese proverb that says, "The journey is the reward."

A great family film that examines values and excites the retinas is what this film is. There are enough dynamic shots that if this is viewed on a big 1080P monitor with HD or Blu-ray formats it would be visually outstanding. I'd have only wished that I'd have seen this film in the theater surrounded by people exuding a triumphant energy that can only be felt when watching this picture show in the company of others. Though this reel may not be a life changing statement, it can be seen as a life affirming study instead.

This film would appeal to those who've enjoyed; March of The Penguins, Seabiscuit, Black Beauty and Marley and Me.

This is a film that shouldn't be missed. I'm giving this one 8 out of 10 horseshoes-Either way, it's a "ringer".


  1. Wow Pong, what a compelling review. I had wanted to see this film, but now it is at the top of my list. You really draw the reader in -- I do believe you've missed your calling.

    How cool that you and Courtney have this resolution - priceless. Weaving some new colorful threads into your tapestry!

    I just saw a foreign film that ranks possibly as my favorite film to date: Departures - Japanese film. very moving -- check it out!

    Can't wait for the next review!

  2. Thank you Sharon.

    This suggestion will definitely be added to our viewing list. If you can think of any more, let me know straight away.
