Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

Shortly after Bobbie had finished crafting dinner, we made a bee-line for our local polling station to cast our ballots. Since we walked to the booths, we had the idea that we should frequent our local video rental joint to find a new flick for the night.

As we strolled down the-less than occasionally occupied-street, we took time to revel in each others company and discuss what drives our passions for life. We careened from foot step to foot step and took note of the unseasonably warm weather and how a murder of crows had crowded into the trees above us to shriek their calls at we gravity bound flightless creatures.That same flock of birds were feasting on the remnants of the defrosting berries that hung sadly from the smaller trees along the boulevard. They seemed to cackle their malcontent as we shuffled under their thawing feast as though to warn us of the claim they've made on their tree top booty.

Across pools of rock salt ladened water and  melting snowbanks filled with jagged shards of ice we trekked till we were at the neon OPEN sign of our neighborhood Family Video. Once inside, we took a deep breath, looked around and started down the outer wall marked NEW RELEASE.

We noticed, then settled upon this title:

I sputter out, "Hey baby, do you want to see this one? Denzel Washington and 'Captain Kirk' are in it."
Lovely bride responded, "What's it about?"

blurting out, I sputter, "I don't know-It's probably about a train."
Soothingly my Darling says, "It's an Oscar Nominee."

Sincerely, I questioned, "Really? How do you know?"
Bluntly my Love said, "It says so on the cover."

We laugh out loud and the staff looks our direction as though we've just escaped from the local psych ward with straight jackets still strapped between our crotches-Maybe it's partly the truth.

Shortly after our bill was settled with the video store's register, we were on the road toward home in the falling light of the warm winter evening with a breeze gently moving Bobbie's beautiful locks away from her left cheek exposing her gently curving neckline. Upon our arrival in our quaint homestead, we cast off what thinly laid protective clothing that we used to keep the southern breeze off of our base layers and settled on to the couch with a plate of supper and with the Blu-ray spinning softly against the clicking of forks on plates.

Once the film starts, the night was transformed from a restful night into a fit of nail biting, breath holding and repeated finger imprinting on the edge of the seat cushions. I must confess to you that I really wasn't too enthusiastic about this film's trailer when I saw it as movie previews. The name didn't seem to exude any direction for this reel. There was no emotional connection-for me. Boy, was I ever wrong. once the characters are in place, the roller coaster ride begins. Every appropriate action sequence is represented on screen. Close calls, car chases, explosions, panic, mayhem, humor, etc...etc pepper this celluloid like a shot gun blast containing bird shot. Once the engines are warm, the action doesn't stop-So don't look away.

Let's face it folks, with a film like this, you're not watching it for content. Your watching this picture for the heightened sense of speed, shaky camera angles and vicarious adrenaline boost. The plot does have it's moments, but, don't go looking for anything too profound. There aren't any life lessons to be learned here...well...maybe there is one lesson that should be highlighted. That would be, "Follow safety protocols." With that aside, this set of takes will have any action film junkie licking their chops feverishly for more spills, thrills and bent metal.

Action craver's that would chose to view this will have probably viewed; Gone in 60 Seconds, Bullitt, Vanishing Point and The Island.

It's getting a 5 out of 10 on my scale, but it's not because I don't genuinely like the film itself. After all, it's an Oscar Nominee.

All aboard!

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