Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ouch! That'll leave a mark.

It was about time that dramas took a back seat to something that'll chill the spine. Stephen King's novel coupled with a small and skillfully arranged cast presents nothing but sheer gasping shock that I know will have Courtney and Max clinging to the couch arms.

What was selected tonight was a thriller that truly peeks into a fractured and bipolar mind.

Corralled on a distant farm in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is where we find our injured writer. held hostage by his number one fan, he's subjected to horrific torments all in the name of her loving desire for him. In the bleak mid winter months, our writer summons strength to find a solution to his bizarre happenstance while trying to muster the courage to escape.

In my opinion, this motion picture is almost unparalleled in the vast seclusion in which the circumstances occur. Masterfully presented by Rob Reiner, this film does for horror what Stand By Me did for the coming of age drama. The sense of helplessness that the injured party must endure is translated so sharply by James Caan that it's hard to look away when his screen persona is struggling  for freedom. Much appreciation must be given to Kathy Bates for an unflinching description of a secluded psychopath. A frightfully believable undertaking by Bates, this is a blood curdling riot to watch.

This photoplay has always been a favorite of mine and if you like it too, I'd suggest you bundle some of the old thriller classics with it-Motion pictures such as; Rear Window, The Shinning and even something new like Monster.

For the excellent expansion of time and compression of panic, this one definitely rates an 8 out of 10 sledge hammers.
Archie Bunker says, "Way to go Meathead!"

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