Thursday, March 24, 2011

This belongs on the Red Planet.

The other day while Courtney and I cruised the new release wall at our local Family Video rental store looking for a few titles that we would like to add to our year long film fest, I was drawn to this DVD jacket:

In the future, we join a daring crew of astronauts that are delving into a discovery of a long distant life form that has fossilized on the Red Planet. In their...

...Awe, what am I doing? I can't even try to write this as a positive viewing experience.

Let's face it folks, this is a shotty film with horrible directing and even worse acting. The plot is fragmented beyond belief which only accentuates the shabby special effects work. If there is such a thing as a shoe-string budget movie, this is the picture was less than that. It'd equate to the plastic ferrule at the end of the shoe string. I can get behind a movie that has a lot of "grind house" features, but this one was well below even that standard. The local newscaster has more range in acting craft than the yahoos in this waste of time.

I can't even bring myself to suggest other horrible abuses of celluloid that would equate to this abomination.

The tale lasered onto this disc isn't even worth the plastic that was used to create said disk. And for that, this movie rates a 1 out of 10 on my lost satellite list.

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