Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where's ET? Maybe Elliot knows?

While hoping for an eventfully Saint Patrick's Day, I was surprised by the lack of enjoyment that the day brought. Plans were canceled, and situations were shifted. Irritations were passed around and a bit of discourse was shared.

I did have a pint of Murphy's Irish Stout to celebrate the ridding of Ireland of snakes by St. Pat. That was nice...except the drunken lady that kept talking to me while I was in a foul mood. As the strange lady spoke in her slurred style,I forced a few smiles and nodded politely as she kept telling Bobbie and I about how she drove across town to frequent this particular business. Between her brewery breath and the spittle firing from her drunken lips peppering my face, shirt and coat, I felt like I was on a bad episode of MTV's Boiling Point. I kept thinking of something Ewan McGregor said in his docu-drama Long Way Round, "Get me out of f***ing London."

Once home, I had to get away to suppress the emotional outbursts that-I'm pretty sure-were on their way.

So, out I went into the night to see:

The premise of this script is the present day and the earth is under attack by extraterrestrials trying to harvest the Earth's resources. Upon the arrival of the of the xenos, the areas around the impact zones are set alight with explosions and tumbling buildings. Our tactical force is sent in to secure the front line and extract civilians trapped beyond the engagement zone. Once in the danger zone, our team experiences internal turmoil and a call to leadership that can keep the audience watching.

The screen didn't reveal the aliens immediately like District 9 did, so, there was some of the "old school" mental suspense that the audience projected to the of world beings till they're caught on film. Once there was an appearance of the off world aggressors, the mental impact-for me-was a bit of a let down. Much like other sci-fi movies, the new arrivals are bipedal and carry weaponry that seemed, well, similar to what we have developed here on Earth. So much for other worldly.

Those who've enjoyed screen stories such as, Starship Troopers and Outlander, will more than likely want to see this feature. 

Though the visuals were superb and Aaron Eckhart's square jaw allows for good screen presence, those two aspects couldn't save the plots lean story line. But, the explosions were nice, so, it still has that going for it. For these reasons, I'll need to rate this at a 3 out of 10 broken spaceships.

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