Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This isn't Peter the Dragon.

Maybe I slept too long or had too much belly pain from too much Tabasco sauce today, but I was a bit unruly into the early part of the evening. I must admit that I was a bit short with Courtney when she asked me what movie we should see tonight. I felt badly after Bobbie pointed out to me the error of my ways.

With a slumping sorrowful feeling pinned to my dragging tail, I made my way out to the living room to watch a film of her selection. I'm glad that she picked out something fun ad full of naive commentary about self realization-That completely spun the emotional direction of my evening around.  

Upon Max's suggestion earlier this week, Max, Courtney, and I sat down to see:

I must admit that I was never a fan of this book and had no plan to see this feature. Sure, this one was a C.G.I work of art, but I had my reservations about the story since the book wasn't that long. After all, we all saw what Spike Jonze did with Where The Wild Things Are. I just didn't want that same disjointing feeling in my mouth again. Max eased my concerns with a this quote, "You know Dad, this film was nominated for an Oscar because of it's computer work." Alright, that statement did it, I parked my rump on the couch and didn't move...much.

With great surprise, I was drawn into this flick and was emotionally involved with the main characters and the plight of the dragons. Much a story of finding one's voice against the constraints or the expectations of others, this is also a story of being without prejudice or pre-existing ideas. How living together may be the best way to join two cultures versus fear of each other, because in most cases, when the "shoe is on the other foot", the empathy can be the same on both sides.

Spectacularly presented, with enough sublime visuals to keep the rods and cones in the back of your eyes rapidly stimulated, this family film shouldn't be missed.

For families that love; Wall-E, Spirited Away, and Metropolis(2001 anime created by Osamu Tezuka), this movie is for you.

For bringing a great expansion to the original story, I need to rank this one at a 7 out of 10 bags of guarded treasure.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney really enjoys her DADDY time. I am glad you enjoyed this film with your daughter. I think when I get home from work, I might slip this one in as I drift off to sleep...
